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Year 6

Take a look at some of Y6’s amazing Maya projects! Well done everyone, they look amazing!

Y6 Triathlon! Here’s the boys in action!

SATs done - hoodies on! 🥳

Y6 Druhm Session!

Reading with Nursery for World Book Day!

DT Day - Earthquake proof structures - Stage 1: Designing and building our base!

DT Day - Earthquake proof structures - Stage 2: Building the internal structure!

DT Day - Earthquake proof structures - Stage 3: completing our structures with a little help from some tape!

DT Day - Earthquake proof structures - Stage 4: Testing Time!

DT Day - Earthquake proof structures - Stage 4: Testing time

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Computing - Creating Media Unit - Video and sound editing!

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We wrote stories in English based on the music video Titanium - we then brought the story to life in our computing lessons! Here are five versions of the story - take a look!

Titanium v2

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Titanium v3

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Titanium v4

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Titanium v5

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Travelling Science Show - ask your child what they learnt when Adrian came to school with his materials road show.

David Hockney inspired school artwork. During L6 we drew inspiration from David Hockney’s swimming pool and painted the front of school in the same style!

Light bulb moment investigating circuits in science!

La Bamba

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We learnt how to play this famous Mexican song on the ukuleles!

La RASPA - Multicultural Day - Year 6 - Mexico

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We had a go at this Mexican dance, the hat dance, during our multicultural day study of Mexico!

Learning a Mexican dance

More multicultural day photos

Multicultural Day 2023: Mexico

Tower Wood - Take a look at some of our photos from our residential to Lake Windermere!!
