Vision and School Development
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
2030 Vision
Back in 2008 the governors and staff worked hard to develop a long term vision for our school that built on previous successes and promoted the highest standards possible in a building fully equipped for education in the 21st century. This initial vision ran from 2008-2020 and much was accomplished. In 2021 we decided to create a new vision taking us to 2030
- Develop a vision for the school lasting for the next 8 years
- Develop that vision with inputs from all stakeholders, including our children, teachers, parents, governors and members of our community
- Use this vision to guide effective school improvement and efficient use of resources.
Our duty is:
‘To do everything possible to develop a ‘remarkable school’ to help prepare our children for the challenges and opportunities they are likely to face in the next decade and beyond in high school, in work and in life’.
End Goals:
We want our children to leave St Andrew's as 'well-rounded' people formed within a strong Christian ethos. We want them to achieve well academically but to also have had opportunities to participate and excel in sport, dance and the creative arts. We will teach them essential life skills and offer opportunities to engage in activities delivered by visiting experts. We see success in reading, writing and maths as the cornerstones to accessing the rest of the curriculum.
The Planning Process
We collated the views of all stakeholders to arrive at our priorities through a variety of methods. These included meetings, questionnaires, children’s ideas collected in lessons and ideas boxes at the school entrance. Once all the ideas were collected they were added to a ‘gannt chart’ so that clear milestones for achievement could be monitored. Steering groups were then formed with the intention to monitor the progress of the milestones towards end goals.
Leadership, Staffing and Governance - By 2030, as a Church school, we will be the leading school of a family / network of schools with shared values, ethos and beliefs, aimed at further meeting the needs of our children, families and community.
Successful schools need strong leadership teams that know where they want to go. The school’s vision clearly articulates the school’s future direction and sense of purpose. We constantly seek to provide the best possible teachers for our children. Governors are single minded in their approach to recruiting the right staff to make this possible. Our teachers are encouraged to develop themselves professionally in order to improve the quality of their teaching. The head teacher has developed a very effective group of teachers and support staff team and their professional development is key to our success.
Curriculum and Achievement - By September 2030 we will have consistently exceeded the government's targets for pupil achievement and be recognised as a lead school in both academic and non-academic areas.
At St Andrew’s we provide a broad, balanced and diverse curriculum within the framework of the National and Early Years Curriculum. We place extra emphasis on developing strong foundations in reading, writing and maths.
We believe all pupils, whatever their background, have a right to access the best we have to offer. Our school is a learning environment at the heart of the community. We promote care and respect and expect the highest standards in all aspects of school life.
Our aim is to meet the needs of our pupils by preparing them for adult and working life in the second half of the 21st century.
The educational vision and curriculum design for our school curriculum recognises that:
- the world of 2030 will be very different to the world of today
- the pace of change is increasing, hence the importance for flexibility
- our pupils have, and will have, increasingly greater access to information and learning materials outside of school
- curriculum delivery should involve a greater use of specialists to support the rich opportunities we aspire to create. These may include support staff, graduates, artists, sports people and people from industry and business to support curriculum delivery
Technology - By September 2030 we will be a pioneering school for learning technology and creative media with the latest cutting edge facilities for our children and staff.
Education trends will ride the wave of increased internet capabilities and higher network bandwidth, bringing advanced technology into our school with greater ease. St. Andrew’s pupils have grown up side by side with technology and we have made great strides in recent years to harness the use of Technology to support teaching, learning and administration, mainly through the advancement of cloud technologies. Two of the major areas of next-wave technology are augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) which will be explored further over the next 8 years where it will become seemless. OLED based displays, smart desks and the development of more interactive ways of teaching and learning as opposed to rote learning will feature heavily on our school’s technology agenda leading up to 2030.
Our future pupils will have the vast collection of knowledge afforded by the Internet combined with the latest AR and VR technologies to make their education more interactive, immersive, and more boundless than ever before.
Spirituality/Well-being and Emotional Intelligence - As a Church school, by 2030 we will have dedicated chapel areas. This will be used to improve the emotional health and spiritual development of all.
Many people assume that spirituality is to do with Collective Worship, Religious Education or PSHE and therefore it tends to be put into those boxes. However, in reality, it should influence and permeate all areas of school life. At St. Andrew's spiritual development is about our relationships with each other, our family, friends, those around us in our community and with God. Pupils' spiritual development is the glue that binds our school together and will continue to be a focus for our school.
Pupils with better health and wellbeing are more likely to achieve better academically and cope better in adulthood. It is this premise that our programme of support for pupil and staff well-being will be directed. This will include pastoral lead work, nationally accredited awards and the implementation of appropriately evidence based intervention programmes.
Buildings/Equipment and Eco Environments - By 2030, we will be using a self-financing, carbon neutral eco building for sport, art and performances to develop the talents of school children.
Ambitious plans were put in place in 2008 to raise educational achievement further and we have achieved this. Improvements to our school building over the years have played a crucial part in these improvements. We have gradually created a school learning environment that is both pleasant, more energy efficient and conducive to learning in the 21st Century. We have ensured funding has been set aside annually in the school budget to extend and develop all areas of the school building.
With the fast pace of change in education we need to continue on this building improvement trajectory and further enhance our school site to face the challenges of education in the future. Our plans for carbon neutrality of future building work is at the heart of our vision.
Community, Parents and Carers - By 2030, our school buildings will be fully utilised by the community.
We have continually improved our work and communications with parents and the community since 2008 and will strive to go further. Our local Parish community plays a vital role in the “tripartite” system of links between home, school and church. These links are now very strong. As new staff enter our community, we all have a responsibility to ensure that these links are strengthened and developed and fully utilise the new technologies available on the market.