Pupil Premium Strategy & Catch Up Plan
Pupil Premium Strategy
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Pupil Premium Plus Funding Eligibility Criteria-letter for parents
Catch-Up Funding
Due to the impact of COVID-19 and children missing school, the Government has provided schools with funding to create opportunities to help children access teaching to cover any gaps in their learning. Money can be spent in different ways to enable staff to help children cover lost ground and to ensure that they are taught the skills that they may have missed through home learning and time away from school.
As a school we were incredibly proud of the amount of teaching and learning that we offered to our pupils during lockdown and we were equally amazed at how much work was completed at home with your support. However, children have missed out on working through some important topics whilst at home and therefore the Catch-Up Funding is being used to provide additional support, predominantly in Reading, Writing and Maths, to ensure any gaps in knowledge can be focused on and supported.
Mr Platt
School Led Tutoring
We used the school led tutoring allocation to support our disadvantaged pupils. It was delivered by one of our teachers, who was familiar to our pupils. The focus of the support was reading and maths development for those pupils who needed it most.