Eco News
Some of our older members of the Eco Team have been making bat boxes and hedgehog hotels at Incredible Education in Winton. The children worked brilliantly together and were very proud of their creations.

Our Eco Team 2023 - 2024

Latest Eco News
In September 2023, we were once again awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag award for the 5th time. This accreditation was due to the hard work and dedication of our Eco Team. The assessor was very impressed and the children enjoyed showing off all of their hard work. They have worked on projects such as waste week, walk to school week, recycling batteries and habitats for wildlife. The pupils are always passionate about caring for the school, Boothstown and the wider world. Well done to all of the pupils who were involved in the Eco team from 2020-2023. (The award was postponed due to covid.) The eco team have been forging links with the community. They grew spider plants from baby ones and handed them out to local businesses. They are currently growing some other plants that will be distributed later on.
During the academic year of 2022-23 the whole school participated in an eco project to celebrate the coronation of King Charles. These included painting pebbles, planting sunflowers, growing herbs, making bird feeders and bug hotels. The school was sent seeds from the king and pupils have scattered some of these around the school and the canal towpath.
In autumn 2023, we changed our eco warriors in order to give some opportunities to other pupils. We have two new representatives from each class in Years 1-6. Our Eco Warriors are Alex, Lottie, Abigail and and Amelia. (Y1) Raphael, Sophia, Sally and Octavian (Y2) Edward, Heidi, Jenson and June (Y3) Harrison, Lila, Harry and Kornelia. (Y4) Delilah, Alastair, Eliza and Aaron (Y5) James, Charlie, Ella, and Oscar (Y6)
The Eco Team meet each half term and discuss different ways of making St. Andrew’s even more eco friendly. They work really well together and have recently brainstormed many fantastic ideas. We will be putting this into an action plan and then deciding on our priorities for the year. If you have any ideas for the eco team, please let them know. The gardening club often help with projects to do with growing, tending the school gardens and collecting seeds. Last year they gave out packets of sunflower seeds when they visited the RHS. Pupils from Y1 and Y2 designed the packets.
Our pupils take a pride in St Andrews and will volunteer to help with litter picking, gardening and projects which will improve the world that they live in. They are interested in reducing their Carbon footprint.
Our aims are to reduce, reuse and recycle.
St Andrew’s Eco Update
In September 2018, we were once again awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag award for the 4th time. This accreditation is due to the hard work and dedication of our Eco Team. The assessor was very impressed and the children loved showing off all of their hard work.
We now have a new representative from each class in Years 1-6. Our Eco Warriors are Ethan, Ralph, Isabelle, Neo, Ava, George, Peyton, Freya, Lewis, Chloe, Katie, Charlotte and Grace. The Eco Team meet each half term and discuss different ways of making St. Andrew’s even more eco friendly. They always have fantastic ideas. If you have any ideas for the eco team, please let them know.
Recent Work
Our Eco Team worked exceptionally hard. In our Eco review, the assessor said, ‘Well done to everyone at St Andrew’s Primary School. The children I met were all very enthusiastic and knowledgeable on the eco schools work that they had been involved with. Keep up the great work.’ Well done, Eco Warriors!
The Eco Team have worked very hard on various projects, including Waste Week, Switch Off Fortnight and The Big Battery Hunt.
We already have lots of ideas for our new eco projects. The children have recently decided that they would like to make bird feeders to help the local wildlife. Hopefully, we will spot some birds during the RSPB Birdwatch this month.
We would also like to thank you for your support with the M & S Energy competition. This was a real community effort. The LED lights have now been installed and we can already see a decline in our energy usage.