What you need in Year 3
PE and swimming kits
PE kits should be in school every week, lessons are on a Wednesday afternoon and kits should remain in all week. Swimming will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and 3R will be going the first half of the year.
3M will start swimming on Wednesday 15th February until Wednesday 12th July.
Could we remind you that PE kit is: Black plimsolls, navy blue or black shorts and a white polo shirt in a labelled drawstring bag.
For swimming the children will need: a towel, costume for girls and trunks for boys and a swimming cap.
Reading Books
We expect children to be bringing their books and reading records into school every day. The children have now been shown how to change their own reading books, it is up to them to remember they have finished their book and to go and change it during the allotted time slots.
Maths Homework
Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and it is to be handed in no later than the following Friday. Please check the back of the children's book for their homework page. We change the page weekly depending on what we teach in school. If it is not written in due to absence it is on the classroom wall so ask the teacher for the correct page.
Spelling Shed and Times Table Rock Stars
Spellings are tested on a Wednesday and times tables on a Friday. The children will focus on a different spelling rule each week which they should be secure with by the end of Year 3. By the end of year 3 the children should also be competent with their 2s 3s 4s 5s 8s and 10s.
The children will have a weekly times tables test and will be tested on the following:
Autumn term 1 - 2, 5 and 10 times tables and division facts
Autumn term 2 - 3 times tables and division facts
Spring term 1 - 4 times tables and division facts
Spring term 2 - 8 times tables and division facts
Summer term 1 and 2 - all of the times tables and division facts they have learnt so far!
English Homework
These books will be sent home on a Wednesday and should be returned no later than the following Wednesday. Please check the back of the children's book for their homework page. We change the page weekly depending on what we teach in school. If it is not written in due to absence it is on the classroom wall so ask the teacher for the correct page.
Playtime Snacks
In KS2 children are allowed to bring their own healthy playtime snack. The best snacks are the healthier snacks such as fruit, breakfast bars or a plain biscuit. Please no crisps or chocolate.