‘I have come that they may have life in all its fullness.’ John 10:10
Many people assume that spirituality is to do with Collective Worship, Religious Education or PSHE and therefore it tends to be put into those boxes. However, in reality, it should influence and permeate all areas of school life.
Spirituality at St. Andrew's is about our relationships with each other, our family, friends, those around us in our community and with God. Pupils' spiritual development is the glue that binds our school together.
Some examples of wonderful RE work so far this school year.
What thoughtful and caring work our pupils produce in their RE lessons.
We loved seeing these poems our pupils have written about Salvation.
Nursery enjoyed learning about the cross in their Easter RE lessons.
Well done to these superstars in Year 4, who made loom bands and then sold them, raising £65 for charity!
Year 3 have been thinking about the meaning of Easter symbols.
Year 2 have been reflecting on the significance of the Last Supper.
We have been thinking about the meaning of Easter and used the words from the hymn ‘There is a Green Hill Far Away’ to show what Easter is about.
Our spiritual leaders and their recruits, enjoyed being secret agents of kindness, during our Valen-kinds and compliments week!
We love our sacred spaces in our classrooms and using them during worship and reflection.
Our school choir enjoyed performing at the local 'churches together' carol concert on Boothstown precinct.
Learning about the real meaning of Christmas.
KS2 loved their Christmas Experience at St. Mary's church.
Christingle 2023
We are very proud to have been awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools. Our wellbeing matters and it's a whole school responsibility.
How wonderful are our new displays in the school entrance area!
Year 5 enjoyed using bibles to learn more about the teachings of Jesus and to find out how they link to our school Christian values.
We enjoyed going out into our local community to spread happiness to local businesses. Everyone received a packet of seeds and a smile!
Our school Spiritual Leaders. We are blessed to have them, as they help with planning and leading worship at school, along with so much more.
RE Floor Books
Our RE floor books, which we use in school from Nursery to Year 6, are looking fabulous and are wonderful to read. The children’s comments, spirituality and understanding are a joy. Here's a selection of some of them, so you can see how amazing they are too.
Shay In year 5 wrote a wonderful speech, when hoping to be selected as a school council member. We loved his interpretation of what it means to be a member of St Andrew’s school. Well done Shay.
Year 5 Easter Poetry
We looked at the traditional Easter hymn ‘There is a Green Hill Far Away’. The children then decided which words they thought showed the true meaning of the Easter story and the victory that Jesus had. They left those words in white and blacked out the rest. Have a look at their work, we think it’s fantastic.
Class Worship
Our Christian Message
Wood Street Mission
Our head and deputy boys and girls helped to load up the school minibus with all of the toys that had been generously donated by our school families. They then delivered them to Wood Street Mission in Manchester, who were very grateful.