Curriculum Information
What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here. If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.
Curriculum Long Term Maps. These show what every year group will learn in each subject, across the year.
What will your child be learning each half term? Find out on our Curriculum-On-A-Page Overviews.
Knowledge Organisers
Our curriculum is a curriculum for all, but some pupils may need additional support to access it. Find out about our accessibility plan by clicking on the link below.
Sequence and Progression Documents. These have been written by teachers and give an overview of each subject across school.
Reading and Phonics Scheme:
The Phonics and reading schemes used at St. Andrew’s are ‘Read, Write, Inc’
Parents can find more information about the National Curriculum followed in KS1 and 2 here and the Early Years foundation stage statutory framework followed in early years here
For more detailed information regarding the teaching of phonics and progression, please see below.