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What we've been doing in class

Manchester Airport!

We had great fun on our trip to Manchester Airport. We just wished we were going on holiday too! We learnt about the history of flight, looked inside different planes and even had a go at being a pilot!  

Science and Computing

We have had a very busy afternoon researching animals and finding out why they live in particular habitats. We worked together using fact sheets, library books, guided reading books and iPads to gather lots of information. We found out some amazing facts and really supported each other.

History and DT!

To link in with our topic of The History of Flight, we've been channelling the Wright Brothers this afternoon to design and make paper aeroplanes! We had great fun experimenting with different designs and then had a competition to see who's plane flew the furthest. 

A big well done to Lily who won!!

St Mary's Church

As part of our work on special places in RE, we visited St Mary's Church in Ellenbrook. We really enjoyed exploring inside the church and looking at the different features. We sketched the windows and the font, sat at the front of the church to learn about where the services take place and then found out about Fair Trade. We also really enjoyed our trip on the minibus too!

Science - Microhabitats

Do you know what a microhabitat is? Well we do! We've been braving the rain to hunt for signs of microhabitats and minibeasts around our school grounds. We started by looking in the bushes and trees on the side field but quickly realised the best place to find them was around the edges of the main field and in the undergrowth.

St George's Day

To celebrate St George's Day some of us came to school in our Rainbow's uniform.

Science Investigation!

We have had lots of fun investigating what plants need to grow and observing what happens when we take some of the elements away. We planted sunflower seeds and wanted to find out what would happen if we changed the amount of light and water we gave them. We had fours plants, gave one water and light, one had water but no light, one had light but no water and the last had no water and no light.


"we found out that sunflowers could grow without sunlight but really needed the light to grow healthily. They couldn't grow without water"


Red Nose Day!

It was very hard concentrating on our work today!

Lockdown Learning

The work didn't stop just because of Lockdown! We worked very hard with some of us in the classroom whilst the rest joined us live using Google Classroom. We hope we won't have to do it again but know we are prepared if we do!

Christmas Celebrations!

We have had lots of fun celebrating Christmas!

Advent Candles

We began our Christmas celebrations by designing our own advent candles.

Remembrance Day

We gave thanks to the brave soldiers who fought for our country by making poppy crosses.

A bit of Science and DT!

We had great fun designing and making our own healthy snacks! We started by trying different fruits and vegetables and recording our observations about their taste and texture in a table. Then we researched some ideas for healthy fun snacks before designing our own. The best bit was making our snacks and eating them!


We also had a go at peeling, grating and cutting!

English - Poetry writing

We have been using some amazing nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs to create our own Wonderlands and write poems!


We have been lucky enough to work with Chris Yates in P.E. this half term and have been developing team work. We have played lots of exciting games to develop our ball skills including dribbling, passing, bouncing, catching, shooting and really loved playing kick rounders!

September 2020!

All bright and shiny, ready for a new school year! 
