Uniform Policy
Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education.
We understand that items with distinctive school branded characteristics (such as those that include a school logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price.
We will make sure our uniform:
- Only has a small number of branded items
- Is available at a reasonable cost
- Provides the best value for money for parents/carers
- Offers second hand 'nearly new' options
Pupils are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times (other than specified non-school uniform days) while:
- On the school premises
- Travelling to and from school
- At out-of-school events or on trips that are organised by the school, or where they are representing the school (if required)
Required Uniform Details:
Please clearly label with your child's name every item of their uniform and check it regularly in case it has washed out.
Navy v neck sweat shirt (with logo)
White polo shirt
Grey trousers (elasticated)
Sensible/smart black shoes (No Trainers)
Summer uniform (Easter onwards) – grey tailored shorts and white polo shirt (Optional)
Navy v neck sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo)
White polo shirt
Navy pinafore or skirt
Sensible/smart black shoes (No Trainers)
Winter - navy blue trousers (optional)
Summer uniform (Easter onwards) – navy/light blue gingham dress (Optional)
All Nursery and Reception children to have a navy blue zip up fleece to keep at school for use under outdoor wetsuits in colder weather.
Navy v neck sweatshirt with logo
White shirt and school tie
Grey trousers
Sensible/smart black shoes (No Trainers)
Summer uniform (Easter onwards) – grey tailored shorts, white short sleeved school shirt and tie (Optional)
Navy v neck sweater or cardigan with logo
White shirt and school tie
Navy blue pinafore or skirt
Sensible/smart black shoes (No Trainers)
Winter – navy blue trousers (optional)
Summer uniform – (Easter onwards) – navy/light blue gingham dress (Optional)
Black plimsolls
Navy blue shorts
White polo shirt
Drawstring bag
It is imperative that children leave their PE bags in school all week so as not to inconvenience parents at work to bring kits into school. It should be taken home at appropriate intervals for washing.
Ordering School Uniform
We have negotiated preferential costs with our uniform supplier-Touchline.
School uniform should be ordered direct from our current supplier via their online web page Touchline UK - Shop by School / St Andrews CE Primary School Boothstown (touchline-embroidery.com)
You can either choose to have your order delivered to school at no charge or direct to your home for a small fee. Uniform orders over £50 can be delivered direct to your home free of charge.
School uniform orders cannot be accepted at the school office but you can still purchase ties, book bags and PE bags from ourselves.
Orders are only delivered to school on a Thursday and they will be sent home with your child.
Should you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Touchline direct on 01925 413777 or the school office.
Girls: Please support school by tying your daughter’s long hair up with sensible scrunches, ribbons or slides. Hair braids can be a danger to other pupils in school so please refrain from allowing your child to have these done, unless there are cultural reasons for braids. Hair dyes are not advised for school.
Boys: Please support us by not allowing your child to have his hair cut too short – as a general rule, number two is the shortest we allow.
Staff cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of any amounts of money or jewellery including watches and toys. Moreover, we do not allow the wearing of earrings, including sleepers as they may cause injury. These can be worn after school. Children with recently pierced ears will be allowed to wear small studs covered with a plaster for a period of six weeks until the wound sets itself.
Please note that there is a large red plastic container in the KS2 area where any mislaid uniform and p.e. kits are stored. If your child does lose any of their school clothing, please come to the school office and we will direct you to the lost property box.