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What you need in Year 3

PE Kit - Kits should remain in school all week

Black plimsolls, navy blue or black shorts and a white polo shirt in a labelled drawstring bag.


Swimming Kit - Due every Wednesday until our last session on 10th February 2021

Swimming cap, towel and swimming trunks / costume. 


Reading Book and Reading Record - Books and records should be in school everyday

Please read a few pages each night where possible. Children will be given time each day to change their reading books once they have finished it.


English Homework Booklet and Spelling Shed - Due every Wednesday

Children will be given a set page to complete - these may not necessarily be in order as it will relate to what is taught in class that week. Children should access Spelling Shed everyday where possible ready for their test in class on a Wednesday.


Maths Homework Booklet and Times Table Rock Stars - Due every Friday

Children will be given a set page to complete - these may not necessarily be in order as it will relate to what is taught in class that week. Children should access Times Table Rock Stars everyday where possible ready for their test in class on a Friday.


Playtime Snack

Children can bring their own healthy snack.

