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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Details of Governing Body (GB) Membership as at November 2024



Mrs L Farrell (Chair of Full GB / Executive / Strategy -Parent Governor-Appointed by Parents) appointed 17/02/21 ends 16/02/25

Dr L Freeman (Foundation Governor-Appointed by the Parish) appointed 14/05/21 ends 13/05/25

Mr M Platt (Headteacher-Place on the Governing Body by Right) appointed 01/09/07

Rev K Hopwood-Owen Vicar (Foundation Governor-Appointed by the Diocese) appointed 19/06/13

Mr C Lansley (Co-opted by the Governors) appointed 25/11/24 ends 24/11/28

Mr S Johnson (Co-opted by the Governors) appointed 29/11/21 ends 28/11/25

Mrs E Fahy (Staff Governor-Appointed by the Staff) 01/09/21 ends 31/08/25

Miss A Broomhead (Local Authority Governor-Nominated by the LA. Appointed by the Governors) appointed 07/09/21 ends 06/09/25

Mr J Lowe (Associate Governor-Appointed by the Governors) appointed 09/10/21 ends 08/10/25

Mrs S Johnson (Co-opted by the Governors) appointed 27/11/23 ends 26/11/27

Mr D McDonna (Parent Governor - Appointed by the Parents) appointed 11/11/21 ends 10/11/25

Mrs J Davies (Parent Governor - Appointed by the Parents) appointed 20/10/22 ends 19/10/26

Mrs L Tither (Parent Governor - Appointed by the Parents) appointed 20/10/22 ends 19/10/26

Mr G Boxer (Foundation Governor- Appointed by the Diocese) appointed 20/12/22 ends 19/12/26

Mrs Priynka Mistry (Parent Governor - Appointed by the Parents) appointed 21/02/24 ends 20/02/28


NON –VOTING Associate members

Mrs C Clay (Deputy Headteacher appointed 29/11/21 ends 28/11/25

Mrs S Cropper (School Business Manager) appointed 29/11/21 ends 28/11/25
