What we have been doing in class
Anyone for a bit of cricket?
Today we were very excited to take part in a cricket workshop. We learnt all about batting, bowling and aiming and had lots of fun trying out our new skills!
Red Nose Day!
It was hard to concentrate in our red noses but we had a good go!
Art and Computing
In Computing, we have been learning about using search engines to find information and in Art we have been learning about African patterns so we put the two together and did some of our own research! We found out information about the Ndbele tribe, looked at the patterns they use to decorate buildings and then created some of our own.
World Book Day!
We had such fun dressing up as our favourite characters from books. Look at our amazing costumes!
Drumz Aloud!
Today we had an amazing time drumming to some great music! We were very tired when we had finished but we absolutely loved every minute!

Another bit of Science and DT!
In science we have been learning all about different materials, their properties and how then can be changed. We decided to put this together with DT and recycle old fabrics to make our own bags! First we designed our bags, thinking about what equipment and materials we would need. Then we made our bags and even had a try at sewing our initials! We used old fabrics, fabric glue, fabric pens and sewing on binca to create our unique designs. We loved every minute of it and even got to take our bags home!
A bit of Science and DT!
We had great fun designing and making our own healthy snacks! We started by trying different fruits and vegetables and recording our observations about their taste and texture in a table. Then we looked at different ideas for healthy fun snacks for children before designing our own. The best bit was making our snacks and eating them!
We also had a go at peeling, grating and cutting!
Science Workshop
As part of our work on changing materials in Science, we were very lucky to take part in a workshop with Adrian Bowden. We started off by thinking about the properties of materials and how we could create tests to find out which material was the strongest and which was the softest etc. After that we looked at how we could change materials by cutting, twisting, mixing and even heating! The experiments were very exciting and we loved taking part by predicting what would happen.
Christmas Party Day!
We had such an amazing time on Christmas party day. First, we voted for our favourite Christmas film. Home Alone won so we started our day by watching it on the big screen in the hall. In the afternoon we celebrated by sharing our party food with each other whilst listening to Christmas songs in the classroom. Then we all went into the hall and had a big party. We danced, showing off our best moves, and played party games! It was so much fun!
Christmas Play!
We were so excited to eventually be able to do I live performance of our Christmas Play and our teachers were so excited to not have to film it! We worked hard learning all our lines, dances and songs to perform "Lights, Camel, Action" from Out of The Ark. Here we are ready to do our dress rehearsal.
Children In Need!
We have had great fun dressing up for Children in Need. Do you like our outfits?

Remembrance Day
We all paid our respects to the people who have been involved with wars around the world by planting our poppies.

Florence Nightingale Workshop
We have been learning about Florence Nightingale as part of our Heroes and Villains topic. As part of our work we all took part in a Florence Nightingale workshop where we acted out different parts of her life and had lots of fun creating scenes with our bodies. Can you guess what we what we were pretending to be?
We really enjoyed working with a partner using practical equipment to make multiples of ten and working out how many tens are in each multiple.
Ready for a September!
All shiny in our new uniforms and ready for the year ahead!