Spring Walk
This week we have been learning about spring and all of the changes that happen in spring.
We went on a walk around the school grounds looking for signs of spring. Whilst we were walking we found daffodils that had grown in the playground and outside the entrance to school. We also saw a blossom tree and tulips that had just started to grow. We stopped at the blossom tree and we created observation drawings of what we could see. We then painted the daffodils that we had found in the KS1 playground. We created some amazing pictures and paintings.

Here are some images that show the signs of spring that you found, whilst you were out on spring walks.

Today we planted magic beans outside, we talked about what we thought the magic beans would grow into. We were very surprised the next day when we went outside and saw Easter eggs.

Red Nose Day
The children loved wearing their red noses and getting dressed up in red today.