Well Being information
Salford have compiled this list of the support offer available to families for the academic year (September 2024-July 2025). This guide aims to provide both parents / carers and professionals the overview linked to an areas of need they feel a child may require help and support with.
Please use the link below to book places on any of the courses listed in the document above.
Where to find help if your child is struggling with their mental health and well being
If you have concerns around your child's mental health then speak to your child's class teacher or our pastoral leads- Mrs Kirkpatrick and Mrs Whitaker.
Our Place2Be counsellor- Vicky is in school on Wednesdays and Thursdays and can be contacted via e mail on vicky.parker@place2be.org.uk
Alternatively, below are a list of numbers you can use to speak to someone about your child's mental health.
AFC Crisis Messenger
The AFC Crisis Messenger text service is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. The service is staffed by trained volunteers who will work with you to take your next steps towards feeling better.
We can help with issues such as anxiety, worry, panic attacks, bullying and depression and are here to talk at any time day or night.
If you need support, you can text AFC to 85258.
Shout (in partnership with Place2Be)
- For: anyone in the UK
- Available: free, 24 hours a day
- More info: giveusashout.org
- Call 0800 1111
- Chat online (set up an account first)
- Send an email (set up an account first)
- For: children and young people in the UK
- Available: free, 24 hours a day
- More info: childline.org.uk
Click on these links to access Parenting Smart, a series of videos to offer support with sleeping problems, anxiety and sibling rivalry in addition to advice on developing active listening skills.
Click on these links to access a series of podcasts produced by BBC Radio 4, covering topics such as anxiety, ADHD and the adolescent brain.
Wellbeing Award for Schools
We are delighted to share with the whole school community, the news that we have successfully achieved the Wellbeing Award for schools. We undertook our verification day in July 2023, which was a rigorous process during which members of staff, parents and pupils were interviewed. We are extremely pleased with the report that has been produced, which is very complimentary about our school and pupils. The award lasts for three years and we will continue to focus on mental health and wellbeing during that time. The verification report is available to read below.
Wellbeing award verification report
Place2Be place2be.org.uk
St Andrew’s CE works with Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity that helps children to explore their emotions and feel better about themselves.
“When I feel worried, it’s like I’m in a maze and the people in Place2Be are coming with a torch and showing me the way” – Boy
“My daughter had become such a different person – one we didn’t recognise – but since counselling we see signs of our old loving daughter coming back.” – Parent
Children can go to the Place2Be room in school to express themselves by making art, playing or talking.
When is Place2Be useful?
Sometimes children can feel particularly sad, confused, scared or angry. Maybe something difficult happened at home, like losing a family member or parents separating. Or perhaps they’re struggling with something at school, like bullying.
This can make them behave differently, lose confidence in themselves or find it difficult to concentrate in class.
Place2Be is there to help children find ways to cope, so their worries don’t get in the way of their friendships, their learning or how they feel about themselves.
What does Place2Be do?
Place2Be’s professionals work with children one-to-one or in small groups, giving regular support for pupils who need it.
Children can also book a short appointment to talk about any problems or worries they have – this is called Place2Talk.
How does Place2Be work with adults?
Place2Be provides support and advice for parents and carers, as well as teachers and school staff. Visit place2be.org.uk/family or get in touch with our Place2Be staff member (details below) to find out more.
Place2Be always gets agreement from parents or carers before they support a child through one-to-one counselling. They also meet with parents or carers regularly to keep them updated and make sure they are involved from the start.
Any questions?
Vicky Parker is our Place2Be staff member. She works on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You can arrange to meet via the school office on 0161 921 1640 or emailing standrews.ceprimaryschool@salford.gov.uk
If you want to find out more about Place2Be visit place2be.org.uk
Parenting Smart information
St Andrew's Wellbeing Action Plan & Mental Health Strategy
Wellbeing Buddies
Our wellbeing buddies support the other pupils at break times by checking that children have someone to play with and helping to make everyone feel happy. They can give out stickers to other children who they see being kind and sometimes take activities such as mindfulness colouring into the playground. They apply for this role by filling in a form to outline why they would be good at the job, for Mrs Kirkpatrick or Mrs Whitaker. They are easy to spot as they wear a special hi-vis jacket.