Year 6
Year 6 Ancient Maya Projects! An amazing way to finish our topic!
Well-Being Workshop: learning through theatre - the steps to well-being wisdom! Ask your child about what they learnt during the workshop about how we can look after ourselves and our feelings, especially when we are worried.
SATs over and out - Hoodies on!!
DT Day in Y6 - creating earthquake proof structures!
World Book Day 2023
Children’s Mental Health Week
Here are our lacrosse and hockey teams in action! Photo credit to the players themselves, as you can see, some took this job very seriously!
Books to read before you leave UKS2
Computing - Code cracking - can you decipher the hidden message?
Travelling science show! We had a great session learning all about gases, liquids and solids!
Christmas Jumper Day 2022
Y6 Steady Hand Game - DT project. We've spent a number of lessons, designing, creating and putting together our electrical steady hand game! Don't they look amazing!
Year 6 have been to St. Mary's to take part in the Christmas experience where we thought about the journey Mary and Joseph took and what Jesus' birth means to us Christians!
Children In Need Day 2022
Y6 Dodgeballers in action - a very respectable 2nd place finish in the Worsley Cluster event!
A few from our trip to Tower Wood !!
Tower Wood Stand Up Paddle Boarding Competition