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Year Group Assemblies

Class Assemblies

In response to feedback/requests from parents, we introduced assemblies for parents led by each year group on a rota basis.


Our current whole school assembly rota does not accommodate parents in the hall as well as 480 pupils. Each half term there will be a year group assembly for parents at 2.45 pm. The themes will vary but it will be a nice opportunity for parents to see their children lead an assembly.


Some examples have included:


Year 5 shared the work they had completed on their Rainforests Topic including some Brazilian singing! Their carnival masks were out on display for all to see.  The children received some wonderful comments in our assembly book too:

“Well done…I want to go to Brazil now!”

“Really enjoyed the assembly today, well done kids!”

“What a show! Loved it all.  Great song and great narration to.”


Year 4 used their drumming sessions from MAPAS as the main showstopper for their assembly this year. The children performed a combination of songs, individual, group and whole class drumming to the parents.  It was very loud!  Children also talked about their fun experiences at Lledr Hall and we shared photographs of all their adventures.

Comments from Year 4 parents were equally as positive:

“That was just wonderful.  I really enjoyed every minute.”

“Wonderful assembly as always to all of Year 4.  Keep up the hard work and smiling!”

“Fab assembly.  It’s so good to see what the children are learning.  Thanks to all you do for them”.


Nursery lead a Mothers’ Day and end of year assembly for their parents. It is amazing to see how much these three and four year olds grow and develop in confidence over the course of the year.
