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School Meals

School Meals
Lunches are £2.20 per day, £11.00 per week. Children can either bring their own drink or water is provided.


Payment of school lunch is made through ParentPay, the school’s online payment system.  School lunches must be paid for in advance, which can be done weekly, monthly or each half term.  At the start of each half term, ParentPay will state the amount due for that period should you wish to pay in full.  This amount can be adjusted should there be a credit or debit balance on your account from the previous period.  ParentPay is quick and easy to use, giving you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like.


Children in years 1, 2 and Reception currently receive free school meals under the Universal Infant Free School Meal Plan.


If you wish to change meal arrangements, the school office must be notified and given at least one week’s notice.


If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, you can contact Customer Contact Centre on 0161 909 6508.


Eligibility for free school meals can be found via the link Free School Meals

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